Monday, November 19, 2012

Gokaiger Mobirates eBay Auction pics

Click the links to see pics;

Saturday, November 3, 2012

New Customs! Power Rangers Zeo, and Darth Freakin Vader!!!!


Its been quite a while since I've updated with a post. I've been quite busy.... But not too busy to not carry on with some customs. First up, something that wasnt as well received as my team of MMPR figures; The Zeo Rangers!!!! Yay!!!.......

Ok, not that exciting, but here they are:

And something just recently completed (today actually), since the recent acquisition of Lucafilm by Disney, I decided to celebrate the forthcoming Star Wars Ep 7 with a Star Wars Themed custom.
I think like many of you out there, Darth Vader is probably my one favorite character out of all of the Star Wars universe. And although I may catch some flack for it, Revenge of the Sith is by far my favorite of the six movies. So combining all those elements (Disney Star Wars, Vader, Ep 3) I decided my next custom would be a prequel version of Darth Vader, complete with removable helmet.

This is done, well at least to an extent. I have a box and an artist card in the works to go along with it, hopefully they will get done...

Anyways, thats it for this post. So long all!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!

Alrighty! So I had initially thought these would be done sooner than later, but it did take longer to get this team done. I had listed it on eBay, and before I knew it, someone had snagged it up. They also wanted me to add a white ranger, and weapons (for extra money of course;) ), so I have a new white ranger custom as well to show.

This team has prompted me to make other teams as well, so I may have a set of zeo rangers up on here before you know. In the mean time, enjoy the pics!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Vinylmation Customization!

Hey there one and all!

I've been itching lately. I swear it has nothing to do with any sort of rash, I promise! No, it has to do with itching to do some sort of creative project. In these past few weeks I've been experimenting with Disneys Vinylmation figures, and customizing them to represent different characters than the figures usually display.

I recently was on a trip in Toronto with my gf to see her family. We stopped at a mall, things were said, and I ended the mall trip with two vinylmation figures from the malls disney store. I have no idea why, but something just made me do it. After getting back home, i decided to try my hand at my first vynilmation custom, and came up with this ugly thing you see above. Lol, ok so maybe its not totally ugly (someone did buy it from me on ebay :) ) but it led me to see the potential I had for other figures.

This was my second custom, also wasnt too happy how it turned out. I decided on a chucky doll cause I saw this clump of fur laying around... ok so the fur was on an old ragged teddy bear, but its found new life as the chucky doll's hair. Because of this new found potential (and after making some money with these first two) I went out and bought a couple more figures.

This was turned out a little more satisfactory. Kind of. By this point I was more in the tune of testing paints to see what worked, as well as working more on my paint brush-man-ship (thats not even a word!) and produced my second Power Ranger custom. Finally, the last custom I placed on ebay.

This one turned out much better than the last three. I was pleased. It makes me think that I've found a certain style to go by when creating these customs. It also taught me that the paints I use are complete and utter crap, as many layers were painted on each of these to mask the underlying designs of the disney characters I befouled (Thats ok, I never liked them much anyhow... :P).

The point of this post was to welcome you to the NEW RANGER CUSTOMS! what happened to the old one you ask? Nothing, it may still be there, posts and all. I just dont remember at all what my wordpress passwords and such are, as well, I find blogger a bit simpler to handle in such stress filled times.

My next project will hopefully finish this week. Its also Vinylmation, and its also Power Rangers, hence why this blog is called Ranger customs. If you'd like to take a look at my past works, well HERE ya go! If you also stumble upon my little bloggy here, please comment, leave a little blurb, whatever you feel like so that I know my art is in fact being appreciated.

Later Y'all!